The McDaniel Report

Report Cover The well-known definitive critique of NASA policy toward research on possible artificial objects on Mars. It includes a detailed account of the research in this area and exposes the faulty argumentation used by NASA scientists to debunk the research. 196 pp. Paperbound, $20.00 plus $3.50 p/h (postage and handling).

(Link to The McDaniel Report Newsletter to see excerpts from the Report and other items of interest.)
"It is impossible to do justice in a few paragraphs to this well-produced and well-argued volume. I will merely say that Professor McDaniel makes a very good case for focussing future missions on the Cydonia region." - Arthur C. Clarke

"The McDaniel Report was a welcome breath of fresh air. Professor McDaniel approaches the problem of artifacts with a care and objectivity rarely seen. His discussions of how NASA, Carl Sagan, and others with strong needs to protect the status quo have NOT been objective is worth the price of the book." - Stanton T. Friedman

"Do yourself a favor. When you order The McDaniel Report (and you will) order more than one copy. You will want to share this book with as many people as possible." - Owen R. Fonorow in THE UFO PRESS.

Other Works by Stanley V. McDaniel

Because of growing public interest in The McDaniel Report, Professor McDaniel has received various inquiries about his other writings, which he has now decided to make available. All the writings listed below exemplify the originality and universality of his thinking, challenging the reader to stretch imagination and intuition toward greater insight.

The following works are now made available to the general public for the first time:

Logic and Critical Reasoning

Logic Don't be fooled again! This highly innovative, self-teaching manual on how to recognize, critique, and use argumentation will make you "fallacy-proof." For the beginning student of high-school age or older. 242 pp. Spiral bound with diagrams and examples, $25.00 plus $3.50 p/h.

"When you hear the word 'argument' do you think of a fight? Many people do. To them argument means failure of understanding. When such people hear that logicians deal with argument, they may imagine that logic amounts to endless bickering over trivial points. The real goal of argument is clarity, along with the informed agreement that comes from clarity. The very word 'argument' traces back to Latin argumentum, to show or prove; and this in turn comes from Greek argos, 'bright and clear.'" - From Chapter One, "The Nature of Argument."


A unique and provocative meditation/workbook for the mind. 87 pp. Spiral bound with diagrams and illustrations, $15.00 plus $3.00 p/h.

"I like the clarity of your thought and the idea of building your philosophy on simple visual symbols...I find your method interesting and stimulating." - Lama Anagarika Govinda, Buddhist scholar and author of Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism.

"For me, the experience is one of poetry, the arousal of the possibility of connections which I have lost or forgotten or never knew. Yogasayings is a rare gift. I'm grateful for it." - Professor Robert Greenway, Founder, Wilderness Therapy Program.

I Ching Yantra Mandala

TaoThis unusual and informative work is a must for any student of the ancient Chinese oracle book, the I Ching. Part One reveals a mandalic form hidden within the "Book of Changes" and explains the inner nature of the Mandala. Part two provides a meditation practice using the Mandala as a yantra, or visual meditation pattern. This powerful meditation technique is designed for couples but may also be used by individuals. 50 pp. Spiral bound with diagrams and illustrations, $10.00 plus $2.50 p/h.

"We know ourselves through ourselves: we create self-images, which represent to us our own essence. Such images are called Symbols. A Symbol is a force created by consciousness for the purpose of drawing itself toward its own point of growth. The ancient Chinese oracle book called the I Ching or 'Book of Changes' is a Symbol of this sort." - From the Introduction, "The I Ching as Symbol."

Transtantric Metaphilosophy: A New Direction in East-West Synthesis

This booklet is a succinct and powerful presentation of an entirely new way of looking at the symbol-systems of esoteric religious philosophy and metaphysics. A technical discussion not for the intellectually timid. Contains 23 remarkable and informative diagrams. 65 pp. $6.00 plus $1.50 p/h.

Such breadth is extraordinary, crossing the borders of Pragmatism, Eastern Religion, Jungian Psychology, Logic, Existentialism and Epistemology." - Dr. Edward F. Mooney, author of Knights of Faith and Resignation.

"Here in deep etymology east meets west; and in more than etymology, for a synthesis of eastern esotericism and western transactional philosophy emerges from the fact that Transtantric logic is shared by both." -- From part IV, "Transactional Philosophy and Tantrism"

The Philosophical Etymology of Hobbit

WizardWhat is the origin of the word "Hobbit?" Professor McDaniel traces the mysterious history of the word, its relation to the ancient tradition of the Mother-Goddess, and how it generated the imagery of Tolkien's classic The Hobbit. An American Tolkien Society Chapbook. 18 pp. with diagrams, $5.50 plus $1.00 p/h.

"Tolkien once said of his stories that they grow 'like a seed in the dark out of the leaf-mould of the mind,' adding that his own personal 'compost-heap' was made 'largely of linguistic matter.' The word hobbit came out of that inner ferment. It was not a piece of accidental trivia vaguely connected with rabbit or hobby (as some have thought), and it was not a deliberate, consciously chosen name. It came to Tolkien in a rare moment of spontaneous intuition. Tolkien subsequently developed that intuition into one of the most unusual uses of philology in literature." - From Part One, "The Unconscious Origin of Hobbit."

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The McDaniel Report

1055 W. College Ave #273

Santa Rosa CA 95401.

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About the Author

Stanley V. McDaniel, author of the controversial and provocative book The McDaniel Report, is a Professor of Philosophy Emeritus and former Chairman of the Philosophy Department at Sonoma State University in northern California. During his 30 years of teaching, in addition to classes in Logic, Critical Thinking, Ethics, and Philosophy of Science, he taught standing-room-only classes in Eastern Philosophy and Alternative World Views. He was also known at Sonoma State University for his pioneering work on the philosophical implications of the theories of Carl Jung. Beside the works listed below, he is the author of a number of articles, including ``The Coalescence of Minds'' in the volume Philosophers Look at Science Fiction. From 1967-1975 he engaged in intensive study of yoga and mantra practice and founded Vajramani School (1972-1975), a private school for the study of east-west comparative philosophy.